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  • Writer's pictureKylagh Cornford


Updated: Oct 8, 2023

I like to think that my career in education started back in 1998, as I stood at the front of the playhouse where a new blackboard had been installed, drew a Canadian flag in chalk and led my younger brother in our national anthem before commencing “school.” (Image of my childhood home)

During my teenage years, I taught swimming lessons which initiated my journey with learning theory and practise. A highlight of this time was the delight on a student’s face when they succeeded in a new task like belly floats and blowing underwater bubbles.

Education has been a long standing passion as I have spent most of my post high school years back in school (11 out of 15 years) in the capacity of both student and educator.

I completed my diploma in massage therapy in 2013, then proceeded to take online courses for my undergraduate degree which I received in 2018 from Thompson Rivers University. Shortly after completion of my BHSc, I began teaching massage therapy at Vancouver Career College then later at First College.

I am currently taking a break from teaching to focus on my own education and come back refreshed and eager to continue learning through teaching.

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