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Asynchronous Learning Please find the link to my Asynchronous learning...

Professional Development

My professional development plan is underway and ongoing. As an educator, my philosophy is that learning is a lifelong process. However,...

Chapter 20: Staying SANE!

I chose to review Brookfield's final chapter because this may be the only textbook I have wanted to read to the end! His humour, common...

Professional Goals

I've often fallen back on the SMART acronym for making goals and thinking about my professional goals for teaching it seemed like an...

Chapter 16- Resistance to Learning

We've all experienced it. You sign up for something that you're initially really excited about, a new career program, a rec league sports...

The Skillful Teacher- Chapter 18

Power dynamics. When I think of positions of power and the tension between being a colleague...

The Skillful Teacher-Chapter 2

What makes a someone a good teacher? We can all think of an example one way or the other, a teacher that was so spectacular that we...

Professional Identity

Who am I? Beneath the horse patterned covers of my ten year old bed spread, I remember pondering this question and wrestling with the...

Learning Partner Discussion

After a full day of work, David Corbett and I met on Zoom for a lively discussion about being adult learners, learning about adult...

Trends in your Field- Massage Therapy

BC Ministry of Health- College Amalgamations The British Columbian (BC) Ministry of Health is in the midst of restructuring the...


I like to think that my career in education started back in 1998, as I stood at the front of the playhouse where a new blackboard had...

Blog: Blog2
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