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  • Writer's pictureKylagh Cornford

Chapter 20: Staying SANE!

I chose to review Brookfield's final chapter because this may be the only textbook I have wanted to read to the end! His humour, common sense, experience and grounding in pedagogy was refreshing and enlightening.

I would like to highlight the two of his 16 maxims of skillful teaching.

#2: Expect Ambiguity

Embracing constant ambiguity is both daunting and liberating—an acknowledgment that complete control is elusive but an opportunity for spontaneous creativity. The perspective that ambiguity is not an occasional hiccup but an intrinsic part of classroom life encourages me to adopt a mindset comfortable with uncertainty. This mindset enables me to recognize teachable moments, deviate from the planned script, and view mistakes as opportunities for growth. In essence, the reflection emphasizes the importance of flexibility and adaptability in teaching, highlighting the potential for JOY and improvement when navigating the ever-shifting landscape of the classroom.

#10: Learning is Emotional

Recognizing that learning is an emotional process has deepened my understanding of the challenges students face, particularly when venturing into new domains. The notion that students may experience a sense of loss and grieving for old ways of thinking resonates with my teaching experiences. Accepting resistance and grief as natural responses allows me to approach such moments with empathy, seeing them as integral to the learning journey.

Moreover, the reflection on the emotional nature of learning serves as a reminder to anticipate emotional expressions. This helps me separate personal feelings, view criticism constructively, and mitigate imposter syndrome. In essence, acknowledging the emotional aspects of learning transforms challenges into opportunities for connection, reinforcing the idea that effective teaching goes beyond knowledge transfer to navigating the complexities of intellectual development.

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