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  • Writer's pictureKylagh Cornford

Learning Partner Discussion

Updated: Oct 8, 2023

After a full day of work, David Corbett and I met on Zoom for a lively discussion about being adult learners, learning about adult learners and teaching adult learners.

The first thing I noticed was the use of technology to connect with each other. We had emailed to arrange a time then we used Zoom to meet up. Using technology to connect is a trend that is influencing not only the field of adult education, but also the fields of hospitality where David works, and massage therapy education where I work.

We also discussed how teaching requires a robust knowledge of the material and the confidence to deliver it in a dynamic way that is both authentic and entertaining. It was informative and interesting to hear how the principles we are learning apply to different work sectors.

(left) Kylagh Cornford teaching a room of students in 2020

(below) Wickannish Inn where David Corbett works

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