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  • Writer's pictureKylagh Cornford

Professional Goals

I've often fallen back on the SMART acronym for making goals and thinking about my professional goals for teaching it seemed like an effective outline.

In pursuit of elevating the quality and impact of my adult education practices, my specific goal is to develop and implement a technology-integrated learning within the next six months. In the spirit of applying what I'm learning in the PIDP, I would like to create a module that integrates digital tools and platforms to enhance the learning experience for my students.

To ensure the success of this goal, I will identify specific areas where technology can augment the learning process rather than complicate it. This will involve understanding the preferences, technological literacy, and learning styles of my adult learners. By doing so, the goal becomes measurable, with success determined by the increased engagement and positive feedback from participants.

To make this goal achievable, I will use available resources, including professional development opportunities and platforms that I have been exposed to throughout this course. Additionally, I will seek feedback from colleagues to refine the module, ensuring that it meets the highest standards of effectiveness and relevance.

The relevance of this goal to my role as an adult educator is clear, as it addresses the evolving educational landscape and the increasing integration of technology into adult learning environments. By embracing this technological shift, I aim to foster a dynamic and interactive learning environment that not only meets the diverse needs of adult learners but also prepares them for the demands of the digital age.

Lastly, this goal is time-bound, with a well-defined six-month timeframe. This ensures that I remain focused and committed to the task at hand, fostering a sense of urgency and accountability. By the end of this period, I anticipate not only the successful implementation of the technology-integrated learning module but also an enriched understanding of the role of technology in adult education, contributing to my ongoing professional development as an educator.


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